Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Platformertown Developers Diary #2

A few solid months into the project and I’ve successfully completed my first full character animation set. I’ve made revisions to previous designs to thin the arms, fix proportions and add more frames to the running animation.

pcjumpbig pcrun2huge pcrun3 pcrun5 pcspritehuge pcstandhuge


Hard stuff, the entire animation set took me about several hours to make, coupled with an entire game consisting of tens of characters, game-art is one of the hardest jobs involved in development.

Having previous designs rejected is also infuriating, but ultimately, its satisfying and meaningful work. Asking for critique on 4chan’s /v/ board was mostly scathing, in spite of a few honest and very useful comments that greatly helped with the character’s design.

Work has began on some of the other characters. To conserve time on the project, most other characters will be pallete swaps of our player-character, with subtle nuances in hair and facial design.



My friend Jack Taylor, a.k.a. Droid Song is a LA based chiptune musician and has had several 8-bit and rock concerts in the past. He joined Marcus Goldschmidt in producing the audio-side of Platformertown. Try some of Droid Song’s other songs, there’s much to like about them. In its current state, Platformertown will sound pretty good. Sound effects will start production later on.

Nonetheless, our background artists and level-designers have gone missing from the project with most of their contributions lost. While the engine has been made and the source-code of the level-design tool is now live, lacking publicly shared progress leaves most of the team confused as to our current progress.

Platformertown’s most current alpha can be found at This version has operable NPCs. Stay tuned for subsequent developments on the project. If you’d like to contribute to the project, email me at Until then, peace!

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